Happy birthday :D
I hope you will have a great day today (and future days❤️) 💖

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This took a lil longer then i thought but i did make him 2 forms so eh an ik his shit is black an white but i like cant figure out how to draw that red a blue aura thing so i just made his clothes red an blue

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An heres god the host
Shh ik its not a trench coat but i tried to make him match with chase,trying to stay on watever theme this is

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3 *4 bois
Wanted to also have host there just didn't really know how or where...

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Wooo more practice art ;u; imma redo jacks >-> just give me a sec

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So i updated the app i use for drawing an wat not,an i wanted to try out some of the new stuff

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Well i wanted to try a few things like his beard,a different brush an chibis O-o?Anyway idk how i feel bout this ;-;

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