완성은 했는데.. 요즘 그림에 현타와서 올릴까 말까.하고있었는데 투윗보니 기분좋아서 올립니다😂
자고로 모닝키스는 목덜미에 해야하는거죠😳💙💚

236 338

We always wanna be with your heart, even if you are away. Thank you for making us happy💚

69 54


63 87

Ta〜raratata〜tutu🎶 Huh!
I'm back 🤗

133 164

💙Always 2wish day💚

민이랑 플랜이 둘이 만나는날 m3 후드 입었음 좋겠다😌

87 78

They always behave like bad friends, but their bonds is so strong💙💚

💙Happy 2nd Anniversary for 2wish💚

93 75

Ae is a good counselor for Can as a beginner in love?👀
They are best friends of both the real and the series💚🖤

65 70

달에 살고있는 투윗 토끼들과 해피 추석 되세요💙💚☺️

47 49

Even though the season 2 is a different time line for them, but I still love them by my heart so much!❤️ Tin and Can are just so adorable together!

81 71

TinCan × RockyVolga(with 4kids)

HBD Plan's Mom🎉 Then thank you for giving him life🍀 We are very happy to meet him🤗 Also, thank you for taking care of his cats🐾

43 50