the second was dawn from Pokémon

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Since everyone is doing it, my was May from Pokemon R/S/E! 💙❤️😁

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Jenny, Elora, Coco and Rouge are some of mine back in the day.
All real cute gals.

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well while we're on this subject.

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However, my post-puberty is absolutely, definitely, Joshua from Fire Emblem 8. And he is still my man. WHEN IS NATASHA COMING TO FIRE EMBLEM HEROES, INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS??? WHEN?????

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my which is, extremely telling

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Can you tell the PS1 era was when I was in peak puberty?

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there were probably some before this but these were the first i was conscious of lmao

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I was like 6 when I first played majoras mask so Kafei was the coolest kid in my eyes HIS HAIR WAS PURPLE

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I said this yesterday, I’ll say it again: Bayonetta
She was also my first fictional crush ever

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Twlight Princess Link stole my heart 🤷‍♀️

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............ 8 yo me in love with this babe and then every gerudo after her..........

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You don't really think it's the story and gameplay that keeps me coming back, do you?

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Been pondering long and hard trying to figure out who my was and I calculated these were all around the same time. Bonus points if you know em all.

apparently I liked headbands 🤔

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