画質 高画質

너무 오랜만에 그린다..🎩🖤

86 449

Work in Progress for Flug vs Blackhat!
It has been like that for a bit honestly, but I feel motivated.
Soon-ish, it will be done!
...Though, I gotta fix that gun. It feels wrong.

16 84

505 HUMANO_3
Debe oculta su rostro como F por Orden de BH
F hizo el casco/capucha para no asustar a 505
Gafas como las de F
Alta Resistencia
Informa el estado fis y psic
Agudiza o bloquea sentidos (olfato, oido, vista)

2 18

I uploaded this here before, but I had to switch accounts. But, here! Dr. Flag!

50 325

505 Humano_2
505 ama tanto los piercings de Dem que le pidió que se los hiciera. Flug casi se muere, no por el piercing, si no por lo insalubre que se imagina que fue el proceso

6 46

Happy birthday ,villainous angel👼

Tried a new style lmao

10 22

Black Hat es mi malvado pastor y nada me faltará (?

Im so happy to have Villainous English dub yesss I am seeing the episodes again with my 💖
I was working on the series and It was really fun and I met so nice people mua
I love you guys~ ty~💖

61 432

S E L E N E / P E N U M B R A ✨💎🌙⭐️

A glittery present for my glittery bestie of our darling Penumbra♥ She's a queen and I always loved how she draws her, so I motivated myself ^^ ilv Cit♥

11 40

✍️~G-lo's Word of the day~🗓️
• Word : JACK-IN-A-BOX

9 62

My problem is the execution of The Deadly Six. I think their designs are unappealing with the most lackluster personalities (Lost World wise). They're punks rather than a actual villainous threat.

They really should have gone this route with the designs
Credit: Cyberlord1109 https://t.co/hAs36yQuxO

11 48

i am so normal about him
i cant wait to be able to see everything in english dub im so hyped 💪

2 16