his grace [maegor I] might rule the seven kingdoms, men whispered, but he himself was ruled by the three queens: his mother, queen visenya; his paramour, queen alys; and the pentoshi witch, queen tyanna.

art • https://t.co/lbtttslkqQ

17 47

A gently touch of his lips
Made her rosy cheeks
in blush
A tender smile on her curve
A promise to be hold
She whispered her love
in softly
as the sound of shifting cloud
with the wind blow
Wishes to be drawn
Before the black veil covering
her face


16 53

And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. “The last dragon,” Ser Jorah’s voice whispered faintly. “The last, the last.” Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own.

112 530

Prince Kylo was enthralled as Hux leaned in and whispered “Touch. Me.” against his mouth. (result of word vomiting scenarios with yesterday 😊)

0 5

//there's something in the water//
he whispered, voice still rough with salt

's rusty fears story "nox mare" was So Good & im a sucker for aquatic spooks so i felt inspired

36 99

The trees within this lonely place,
Whispered charms to me,
And held me in a dark embrace,
Gracefully yet solemnly.

11 36

"Hermione was rather ostentatiously showing no interest in his whispered plans for forcing entry into the Room, which irritated Harry, because he thought she might be a lot of help if she wanted to"
— JKR (HBP21)

by Felicia Cano


0 8

The local potter man, moulded a life like of his little daughter.
He placed the model on the cemented foot prints she’d made, by the side of the house.
Smiling to himself, he whispered, “Heaven may have her soul but I’ve her memory, right at home.”

4 35

whispered words that sound like a growl

62 140

Agathon worked with a speed fueled by desperation.

You are a great protector, they whispered. I can make you greater.

You are a wise priest, they whispered. None shall ever question you again.

2 32

The Turkish president whispered something about the similarity of Greece with the Nazis.
Remind him of the bloodthirsty Turkish history by posting the picture below, which is from the German-Turkish Friendship Treaty of June 18, 1941.

314 528

"Drowned God," he whispered to the old shell, mindful of his words. "Please let me go home. I won't cry anymore or misbehave, so please. Take me away from here."

But the silence persisted, and so did the musty smell of forgotten things around him.

24 89

"'Winky is getting through six bottles a day now,' Dobby whispered to Harry.
'Well, it's not strong, that stuff,' Harry said.
But Dobby shook his head. ''Tis strong for a house-elf, sir,' he said"
— JKR (GF28)

by Beastlyworlds


0 2

" Suddenly the reader's eyes were filled with tears, and a loving voice whispered in his ear:
-Why are you crying if everything in that book isn't true?
- And the reader replied:
-I know; but what I feel is real."

📝 Ángel González

🎨 Bessie MacNicol

125 219

"All these lights surrounding us," whispered Makuahine to her Keiki, "dancing over earth, the sea, the sky? They're for one who kindled fires of hope and kindness in our hearts. Her Keiki needs them now, and from our opened hearts, they're flying home."

11 186

“Bury me in marigold,” he whispered to the Dusk.


15 50

“It’s impossible.” said pride.

“It’s risky.” said experience.

“It’s pointless.” said reason.

“Give it a try.” whispered the heart....

You will never be able to escape your heart ,
so its better to listen to what it has to say

62 147

"Anna, I'm trembling. I-" Her words melted into a moan as Anna licked her neck, kissing the smooth skin. Her hands traveled over her ass as she pulled Elsa close, grinding against her clit. Slipping two fingers inside, Anna whispered. "Shhh... let it go."

Pic by:

26 149

(In fact, I noticed it because of other people's comments. Whispered…)

1 3

Sansa sat up. “Lady,” she whispered.
She had been dreaming, she realized. Lady was with her, and they were running together, and … and … trying to remember was like trying to catch the rain with her fingers. The dream faded, and Lady was dead again.

55 182