画質 高画質

And the last one, from 2020. Finishing all the creations of Dr. Gero, Cell gets blasted to bits^^

4 28

DBS Contrôlé

Non, il ne louche pas.
Il regarde sur sa droite, vous comprendrez pourquoi dès demain. ;)

N'hésites pas à bourrer tes RT et Llike toussa.

42 115

I'm putting together an awesome set. I found better envelopes and am finally nailing my envelope printing 👍 SM card and envelope included free with every order (spruik! *grins emoji*!)

1 5

2 year old DBS sketches that I didn't end up doing anything with. Might try to tackle these again at some point.

0 2

Vegeta, Broly (DBS and Z), Cooler, Caulifla and Jiren ^^

0 16

Turns out I co-started a redraw with where peeps redrew a shot of Gogeta from the DBS:B movie. However I showed interest in redrawing this shot but people seemed to gravitate more towards the original thumbnail from the video shared 😂

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"Stampede mid" also known as "DBS Broly"

0 21

Caulifla the Universe 6 Super Saiyan prodigy(?) I had fun with this one while trying to emulate @/fenyo_n 's style! Their art is phenomenal!

1 5

"Ossu! Goku and Friends Return!" est intéressant à plus d'un titre. Excellente DA, humour de Toriyama, canon ou pas...?

Il est surtout précurseur de choses qu'on retrouve par la suite dans DBS.

Par ex:
pour la 1ere fois, ce gi avec cette ceinture qu'on verra ensuite dans Broly.

10 49

Another edit - this time of This is giving me some mad Jane-Austen-Mr-Darcy-type feelings 😍 Time for some more Valentine's Day edits ❤️

7 18

Un redraw de este frame del cap 5 de Dbs, uno con la paleta de Dbs súper y a otro le apliqué un filtro para que paresca de Z y de paso pueden ver muestras y caracteristícas de mi nuevo estilo que voy a implementar de ahora en adelante espero que les guste

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