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From the CURLS cartoon archive. It’s true… you sneeze. I’ll only bless once. Cover your mouth with your elbow, please. More fun at https://t.co/mkl2zsZT54

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Yo se lo dije ayer en el directo que hice en insta, pero tía, pasando. Hay gente que hasta que no le pasa algo, no aprende :( (mira yo, pero no con el coronavirus, con otras cosas xD)

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All the teachers on Zoom with their students this morning

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USA und Deutschland streiten um Impfstoff“

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Redibujé el husbando coronavirus de ^^.
Está bizco y deforme pero yo lo he intentado T-T.

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Face au Coronavirus, les sont reportées https://t.co/ctq58EQ37Q

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Cosa direbbero i personaggi del mondo dell’arte al tempo del
L’iniziativa da voce a questi pensieri attraverso opere e protagonisti. Un pretesto per viaggiare virtualmente e riscoprire il nostro patrimonio umano e culturale globale.

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I have been doing these eyes for about 2 months? Ever since I got 'homeschooled' bc of coronavirus.
Experimenting if fun, never let anyone tell you to find a style because the best thing an artist can do is to get out of their regular style habit

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| تواجه الدول فيروس "كورونا" بجيوش غير تقليدية.. أفراد الطواقم الطبية هم جنود هذه الفترة من تاريخ العالم.. ماذا تقولون لهم؟

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Let's ban together by staying apart
Illustration by Robert Neubecker
See his portfolio here: https://t.co/mjGzvsVjHv

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I’m deceased. Also Ruby defeated the coronavirus, we are saved.

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Así se ha reducido la contaminación en Italia desde la paralización del país por el coronavirus. Incluso los canales están más limpios. https://t.co/dwkBU7GU3T

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We hope everyone is minding themselves and being safe during this tough time! Sending strength!

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