画質 高画質

I know I skipped like a week of these portraits but life is MEH
So here’s a qt pi half demon InuYasha for your troubles 🌸🌸
Spike Spiegel is next >o>

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Comic that got me into comics? Despite being a manga reader, my first comic was actually… American! Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson was THE first comic book I read as a kid. First manga was Inuyasha

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Inuyasha season 6 ep 143:

3000 Leagues in Search of Father

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Sorry for being so inactive the last couple of days. There is so little time but so much to draw 🤯

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“a warmth inuyasha wants to protect”

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inuyasha é meu anime favorito e eu sempre quis desenhar algo sobre e sempre tive medo de não conseguir fazer algo bom o suficiente, tenho uns 10 rascunhos salvo aqui e nunca terminei, mas esse ta sendo o que mais to gostando aaaa

rascunho / referencia

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Kofi chibi comm for @/smss724 who asked for Inuyasha and Kikyo, thank you for the commission!

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☀️我们可爱的 Kagome 总是为她亲爱的 Inuyasha 提供美丽的细节, 我们可爱的人类/半人类夫妇 ☀️

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Chapter 154: The Third Youkai redraw. I hope you like it

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