画質 高画質

>ノトキャの新衣装×キャンディガール見たい!( ・∇・) https://t.co/rawIoFcB9o

3 15

Disculpen a Amidah, está en plena flor de la juventud y las hormonas (?

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Fun Amidala costume design, inspired by this autograph doodle by the fantastic Iain Mccaig who designed much of Padme’s dresses in the films. Enjoyed doing this.

3 28

What has it been like for you to be a legendary voice actress in anime? Faye Valentine In Twilight Suzuka In Yoruichi Shihōin In Moegi In And Amida Arca In

1 2

Weird fact(?) that just occurred to me...
Why is Amidamaru's spirit ball colored blue in the original anime?
Likely since the original Amidamaru anime design was going to be colored blue as well!
(notice the blue around his collar, and the armor a very light red)

0 11

As Carrie Fisher once said ‘take that broken heart and make it into art’ . Art is definitely my biggest help at the moment taking my mind off everything. Here’s a sneak peak of what I’m working on. *Gasp in surprise* it’s yet another Amidala.......

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シャーマンキング 麻倉葉、英語版、憑依合体 / Shaman King yoh spirit unity(amidamaru)

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Las mechas en este pelo me parecen una calamidad.
En los otros puedes hacer como que no las ves, pero en este pelo están tan delante, son tan obvias que casi parece que el color principal sea el de la propia mecha y no el de la base.

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Yuji Moriguchi alias Namida Zubon - Le facteur amoureux - 2009

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Una lamida no esta mal ¿o si?.

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☔️ @namidausagi128 ☔️

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The home planet of Padme Amidala, an amazingly beautiful planet.

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Oh 2020, Señor de la Calamidad, no sea ingrato, apiadese de estos mortales, su divinidad está constatada, le pedimos que se deje de 'pendejadas' (#pandemia ) y suelte los nombres. Con gusto los sacrificaremos para aplacar su desmedida furia...

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>キャンディガールの洋服をつまみ食いする流れで本体も食べちゃうノトトレちゃん https://t.co/jf7sQZWf3n

5 16

Amidamaru to the Sword of Light!

Drawing this was a nostalgia overdose.
I was so happy hearing the news that Shaman King is coming back to the screens next year!
This shonen has a special place in my heart;;

vid: https://t.co/mK1VGwPg5L

I hope you like it

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>神奈子様をポカポカしてる諏訪子様下さい🙇‍♀️ https://t.co/sRha28X3X1

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お題「Johnny's World Happy LIVE with YOU」

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