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The Newborn
Georges de la Tour, 1640-1649
Shared via http://t.co/VN8RkCFLGu

2 2

We want to see what's on your Watch Feed! http://t.co/koCmqWMrkM

14 44

Untitled anthropometry
Yves Klein, 1960
Shared via http://t.co/BzwUsgTUQj

2 5

Now on the Learn important storytelling tips from 's ! http://t.co/koCmqXDeIY

17 30

Not sure I understand everything going-on here, however it is clever nonetheless

0 2

Green Lady with Pink Rose
Walasse Ting,
Shared via http://t.co/afMxjY1eWJ

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Clam Diggers
Willem de Kooning, 1963
Shared via http://t.co/afMxjY1eWJ

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Portrait of a Lady
Giovanni Boldini,
Shared via http://t.co/afMxjY1eWJ

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Enjoying exploring the Here's a lovely Gauguin double portrait from 1883 http://t.co/yo5akULfaX

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Hijabers musiman. Drawing "Kerudung Dusta" (Drawingpen on Paper). By: ARTAP

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