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Victoria makes a friend, but now must find a place for Frankenstein and save them both from loneliness.

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Victoria wants a friend. So she makes one. But there seems to be no place for a Frankenstein.

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Dan Mumford - Frankenstein

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メガネ本の需要が読めないので宣伝を…。今週末のシンステで頒布予定の新刊「RFLC」では、既存絵のメガネ化なども収録しております(※本文はモノクロです)。法-16 Frankensteinerを…!よしなに…!!

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今週末のシンステ、法-16 Frankensteinerで参加しますー。新刊はモバマスメガネらくがき本です。表紙は前代未聞のりんはるですよ、りんはる!#cin_stage

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"Mars Attacks Frankenstein's Monster" by Geoffrey Blasiman http://t.co/Sac4yh6mn3

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おそくなりましたが明日の芸カ参加します!スペースは"ター26" Frankensteiner。新刊はアイカツめがねラクガキ本でございます。どうぞよしなに〜 http://t.co/LDT2oeQTfm

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And we are live with by here http://t.co/NZY1zQlG1d ONLY 50 available..

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I coloured that drawing of President Frankenstein from Death Race 2000.

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's back cover for "Madame Frankenstein Awesome stuff

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