Just another teaser of the upcoming 1K project. Another artist has finished their part!

4 43

This is an awesome new FASP! Does anyone know what this drawing is referencing? Candy has appeared in this costume once before...

1 11

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0 0

FASP drawing of Jessica!

2 14

Awesome FASP here of Elizabeth! Thank you, for drawing this!

If you can draw check this out: https://t.co/TEjED4GXq3

I still need more artists. <3

2 15

FYI: You can get GTA V free on PC, for life, if you sign up for an Epic Games account.

GTA V is one of my favorite games! What's yours?


2 11

I don't know what this is, exactly. Would you drink it?

6 92

Another awesome FASP of Deputy Serívis, by ❤️

So cool! I love her style!

2 19

This is such a cool FASP of Barime! Over 23,000 people clicked the link on my call for more artists... only 4 so far have worked out deals with me. This one, shows a lot of promise! I LOVE this drawing she made. <3

2 10

THANK YOU for helping us celebrate 1k followers!

Your artwork is so good! I highly recommend you guys go check out her account too, especially if you like dogs. ❤️

4 21

I have an alternative to guzzling bleach... Milk! Yummy milk!

2 7

I don't really follow politics. It's not applicable to the content we make here.

That said, Elizabeth drank bleach before it was cool. Is she immune now?

1 8

Pages 31 and 32 of Elizabeth the Compunctious have been published to my website.

Page 6 of Pastillage Passage has been published.

Pages 9 and 10 of The First Comic have been published.


3 18

Wow! I now have over 100 followers! That is so amazing, I appreciate all of you!

Next goal: 1000! Well, not "1000!"... I don't think there are even that many atoms in the universe. Just 1000 will do nicely. :)

I will do something really special for 1k followers. ❤️

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This is part of an upcoming comic page in The First Comic, illustrated by

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