you'll always remember your first (indirect) kiss! a deluferno LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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frederica's spending some quality time with kana! is kana's fluffiness a blessing or a curse? a LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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ururu is the type to get embarrassed easily, but snow white can read her thoughts and will always know how ururu really feels. 🌸🐶 a snoruru LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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"tacchan is mine!" rain pow is VERY protective of postarie. 🌈💌 a rainpost LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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tot pop loves to be doted on by frederica. and frederica is just as happy to hold her cutest disciple. 🔮🎶 a pitytot LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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inferno is a gyaru as a human and it only makes sense that she'd want to give snow white a makeover! 💄💕 a snowferno LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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chelsea demands kisses from her darling merry! merry is happy to oblige her girlfriend. 💕 a merry/chelsea LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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7753 finds it easier to nap when she's with mana. 💗 a sleepy 77mana LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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micchan is the one who laughs most as glassianne's jokes. they're inseparable! 🍓🦉 a micchan/anne LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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i just want snow white and ripple to be happy... maybe one day? 🌸🧣 a snorip LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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it may come as a shock, but marika gives the best kisses. they're only reserved for styler mimi! 💄🌺 a fluffy marimimi LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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there's only one person that deluge feels safest with and that's bluebell. 🍬🌊 and deluge's sleeping face is bluebell's favorite. a bluebell/deluge LINE sticker commission by elbaraa76 on artistsnclients!

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