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7/14は の日 !(1789)

ロナンや オスカルの命日です…

さらに7/14は 設立の日(1953)。

最初は の学生中心の学生演劇集団でした。

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Italian Peasants at a Shrine, by Horace Vernet (June 30, 1789 – January 17, 1863) https://t.co/80ROd4ZquZ

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惨殺(1810、貴族)、#土方歳三 戦死(1869・太陽暦換算、#新選組)、#ジュネーブ海軍軍縮会議(1927)、#He176 初飛行(1939、世界初のロケット飛行機)、つづく

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Death of Miss Gardiner, 1789, by (Italian-English, 1730-1838), who was born (June 11). Held at (Italian-English, 1730-1838), who died (Jan 5). Held at the Musée de la Révolution française; source, https://t.co/y6rk6116ec

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Anders Dahl–died 1789, aged 38–was interested in botany from an early age & co-founded The Swedish Topographic Society in Skara. The dahlia was named after him, an honour wrongly thought to have been bestowed on him by Carl Linnaeus of whom he was a pupil.

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Joseph Vien- Love fleeing slavery, 1789

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I listened to "Je veux le monde" from '1789' a lot and drew Arya Stark ( ).

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Much of the Gothic artwork of Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869) could double as illustrations for ‘Dracula’.
A German Romanticist (he studied under Caspar David Friedrich) he was also a physician, biologist, and philosopher.

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“Never did tombs look so ghastly white. Never did cypress, or yew, or juniper so seem the embodiment of funeral gloom. Never did tree or grass wave or rustle so ominously...”
― Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897)
Pic: Carl G Carus (1789-1869)

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‘A Gondola on the Elbe near Dresden’ by Carl Gustav Carus German Romantic Painter (1789-1869) I’m posting a group of boats and boating but chose artists from the past.

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今更だけどようやくDVD手に入ったので。細かいとこは気にしないでください(o_ _)o

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1789 design for the curtain of the Court Theatre at Hanover, Apollo with the dramatic Muses https://t.co/GlDxisin6K

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Worn in 1789 to a Windsor Castle ball celebrating King George III's recovery from porphyria. The king designed the so-called Windsor Uniform, still worn today, accessorized here with a headdress reading “God Save the King,” painted by Ann Frankland Lewis.

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