For the 22nd day of Torn Bodysuit/Battle Damage Month, here's Burgundy, 's half-elf rogue OC, as a commission! She got into a fight and her outfit didn't tank the attacks so well!

15 84

For the 21st day of Torn Bodysuit/Battle Damage Month, it's Rin from Tyrant Quest, 's own OC, as a commission! Thank you so much for your support! We'll keep working on the backlog and hopefully clear it before the end of the month!

6 36

Thinkin about how i commed this with this specific bodysuit then proceeded to never use it again 💀

0 5

Still with a backlog but not for lack of trying! For the 19th day of Torn Bodysuit/Battle Damage Month, it's Kaine from Nier, as a commission! Thank you so much for your support!

16 141

Ok so I actually did wanna make an official post asking about this but wanting to ask if any fursuit makers would want to trade (or do a mix of money + art)!! Head, partial, bodysuit, or full suits! Just depends what you're comf with!! I can offer lots of art 👀

12 240

Anyone remember Birdy the Mighty? Between her and B-ko my taste for bodysuits started way back in the day 🤭

5 25

Felicity and Mochibun talk about bodysuits with thongs; Mochi is embarrassed and flustered by the whole thing.

Felicity is owned by me
Mochibun is owned by
Comic Concept by me
Comic brought to life by

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due to black neck shenanigans as seen here on beautiful perfect angel, I'm assuming they have like black 'bodysuits'. LAME but also fine i do not care

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We're a bit late, but for the 17th day of Torn Bodysuit/Battle Damage Month, here's after what appears to be a foolhardy crash, as a commission! Thank you so much for your support!

6 53

For Day 15 and 16 of Torn Bodysuit/Battle Damage Month, it's Nishizumi Maho and Nishizumi Miho, in a very interesting setup, no doubt about to be punished by their sponsors for losing a tournament, as a commission! Thank you so much for your support!

21 139

For the 14th day of Torn Bodysuit/Battle Damage Month, it's as a commission! Thank you so much for your support! Day 15 and 16 are a combination commission, so they'll be posted as one tomorrow!

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day 41: naoya's outfit

had trouble deciding whether to give him a choker or say he was wearing a bodysuit. I think a choker looks better.

1 7

Tsundere princess Oni is not impressed by you.

Fix it.

Lewder version on:

1 3

Reference vs Reality ~~
Chumbo the fishpuppy by

I'm so proud of him and cant wait to make his bodysuit and feet!

0 5

It's the 12th day of Torn Bodysuit/Battle Damage Month, and for today it's in a Gundam Wing space suit, as commissioned by ! Thank you so much for your support!

17 126

sketching before i work on comms!

70 likes and I'll post the one where he's not wearing a bodysuit 👁️✨🐦

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