Custom char set anim for C64

21 116

Saw an old mazazine cover (C&VG Issue 32 June 1984) with artwork by the legendary Bob Wakelin depicting my favourite Speccy game of all time (Manic Miner) and decided to get my crayons out to 'Iconise' it! 👍😍🖍️#zxspectrum

2 4

Dodgy dealings from the October 1984 issue of PCG. Which screenshot is which?! 😳

1 10

This runs on a real C64 - remix of an old one screener I did

87 382

Metroid Prime Trilogy for the... Commodore 64?!

177 544

Turns out I really like drawing betentacled beings who plot about the end of times in the underdark. True restrictions using the vivid palette.

11 85


(With definite influence from Shining in the Darkness)

9 61

Title: Chicago 30's
Year: 1988
Platform: Commodore 64
Publisher: U.S. Gold
Developer: Topo Soft

4 8

Replaying Rick

Rick Dangerous on the Commodore 64
A different new take on a classic title from the 80s
NEW Article by
Link >

15 53

In 2020 , and yours truly are going to fry your brain with a blast of unforgiving puzzle action.
coming "soon" to your

17 88

I'm looking for volunteer artists to help out with my latest project for real a . *Warning* this post contains programmer graphics (and sprites stolen from Rainbow Islands). Anybody interested?

19 26