am i late to the dovewing party??? headcanon that she's a munchkin guys... think about it

3 14

So came up with the idea that Dovewing's eyes change colour based on her mood like a mood ring so I decided to use that idea! Green is her neutral/happy colour, gold is angry/frustrated and blue is sad

10 29

Everyone’s salty after the whole warriors wiki thing regarding Dovewing so
Me and a friend made our own out of control Dove designs. Because the wiki is stupid and you can do what you want.
You’re welcome.

1 4

Um excuse me but her eyes are green
thanks for coming to my ted talk

3 8

you know I think it was sheer fate that I drew this stupid thing like a day before the bomb you dropped. I think starclan was trying to send me a sign. VIVA LA GREENVELUCION

19 61

dovewing + olive

67 294

dovewing has green eyes no mater how much the warriors wiki denies it
shes very pretty with them too 💚💚😻

first time designing a canon warrior cat!

3 11

sectoral heterochromia dovewing that i am FAR too lazy to fully render

161 782

Dovewing has green eyes she's just better that way

0 2

My take on Dovewings eyes: I always imagined them as green because I associate doves with the colour green, because of the olive branch peace dove thing

1 40

I really like the headcanon that Dovewing's eyes turn blue when she's using her powers. I also really liked that Tennelle added those whites on her pupils so I wanted to do something similar.

35 222

We talking about Dovewing’s eye color again? It doesn’t even matter bc we live in a simulation

25 152

Stop the WAR! I found a way for Dovewing!

17 194

a kinda old design of dovewing,

that cat, that y'know, had GREEN eyes :))

1 3

Shamelessly reposting my dovewing design because we love our green eyed baby 💕💕

23 203

heard it was green-eyed dovewing week

1 4