En el DÍA MUNDIAL CONTRA EL TRABAJO INFANTIL adherimos a la campaña que busca erradicar el trabajo en los niñxs.

Recomendamos el libro NO HAY TIEMPO PARA JUGAR. RELATOS DE NIÑOS TRABAJADORES, de la socióloga Sandra Arenal y la ilustradora Mariana Chiesa, de aca

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Artiste à découvrir: ERIMO_WKS https://t.co/JhzpSp3KKt

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イラストレーター  さんが公開している

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そして、メロンブックスで注文していたFRUITY COFFRETが届きました!


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ERIMOさん、mingoさん、裕さんのFURUITY COFFRET、とれたて届いた。ちょーBerryキュートな志希と最高究極フレっしゅな両A面。かわいい^〜

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Herakle Kabuterimon
(Hercules Beetle+Rhinoceros Beetle)
Giga Blaster
Horn Buster Kai
Kyodai Hasami
High Mega Blaster

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-Custard Apple boba smoothie-

Lol I drew this like last week, but thought it’d be nice to show the full image of my pfp 😳 This be my boy, Cherimoya 🥰

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Digimon Yokai Style # 7: Kabuterimon
Hi, i was in the middle of moving to another city those past weeks and just now things got settled, so im resuming this project, its near the end now, just one more, guess who'll it be.

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I was just thinking of how terrifying Kabuterimon would be if he was the main monster in a horror movie, like imagine him as a jump scare.
But no in Digimon we know him as a friendly geeky bug

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Since it's Mother's Day, will post an oldie but goodie.

One's Strongest Wish

Artist: MerimokaRay & Alie-Reol @ DeviantArt

Inspriation Theme: https://t.co/gQA5lDPWYR

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