画質 高画質

No se confundan, aún me gustan las chicas, son lindas

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Participando do espero que nunca se confundam com AI

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It's just... draining.

It's a fundamental disconnect between what I enjoy from gaming and whatever competitive fantasy LoL players got going on in their heads. Tried to play solo, got the same treatment from internet randos, then I just quit.

At least the art and lore are nice.

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sip me gusta a listarme a estos retos, alguno lo e terminado?? nop, le pondre ganas a este sip por que esta ves me adelante y tengo todos los dibujos ya en boceto 😁😁
mi pechi es una relacion amor odio, tienes una historia mas profunda de las que todo el mundo sabe

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estou com depressao profunda severa

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⚡ Oferta Amazon ⚡

📚 Em águas profundas
💵 R$ 18,90
🛒 https://t.co/AkGVd8DsKR

➡️ 1 mês grátis de Kindle Unlimited: https://t.co/NoVzsEeSKM

21 36

Essa foi minha primeira tentativa de fazer um quarto em perspectiva, seguindo o curso de Fundamentos da Ilustraçãs dos mestres e . Foi um sofrimento kkkk, mas saiu.

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January, April, June, November.
June was the first time when I let myself really dive into it, work on a piece sparing absolutely no effort, and let my love for baroque art take over.
For the next year I wish to achieve solid art fundamentals, and I'm planning to open comms. 💛

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Día 1: Hurt/Comfort

"Voy a navegar en tu puerto azul
Quisiera saber de dónde vienes tú
Vamos a dejar que el tiempo pare
Ver nuestros recuerdos en los mares
Y esta soledad tan profunda..."

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I have to admit, even the raw stuff is very impressive.

Generic sometimes, but still can be a good base for painters with good fundamentals.

The commercial market will shrink by 95% in less than a year though, brace yourselves 💀

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one of my favorite artists that emphasize the importance of form and how the other fundamentals should reflect it is yoji shinkawa

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hiii i will always be adamant about art and its creation being a wholly and fundamentally human process 💕

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Hey hey it's Sunday Funday and we've got some music to share with you. 🤌

Today we're featuring works by 3 anonymous musicians, as well as and .

Let's listen. 🎶🧵

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Rykiel the best boi en todo jojo, me gusta pensar que al final la fundación speedwagon ayudo a los hijos de DIO (menos Giorno), porque si no que vida más jodida les espera a todos xd .

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Some expressive character models I've created for the Kirby Pilot Reanimated Collab! Here's my take on the iconic, adorable puffball and his friend exclusive to the pilot!

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It’s $SUNday funday! ☀️👏🏼

Giving away this to one lucky winner CST tonight!

Remember that one way to get a WL to is by staking 5 ✊🏼

Stack’em up and let’s go!

✅ Like + RT
✅ Follow DegenU and GMersNFT

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Any big plans for the day?

I will be unpacking more moving boxes 🦾📦

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Sinceramente é desumano ver oque a grande mídia e a DC fazem com a Donna Troy em relação aos titãs, ela não só é membro fundadora dos titãs originais como já foi descrita várias vezes como o coração da equipe, ela é muito do que mantém eles juntos e fortes e msm assim é esquecida

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