What a week for unauthorized Watchmen sequels finales!
It’s 2019 and and are the fictions I expected to hate and ended up loving for different reasons.

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Happy Holidays everybody! I'm Psycho and I'm a character designer artist and a writer of the fanfictions! You can also find me on Insta: https://t.co/C53bF3cX8u
and DeviantArt (Writing stuff): https://t.co/BbQ2YQOlcV

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is a little veggie living being living recluse in her cave (called "bedroom"). She feeds on fanfictions and tennis footages, hidden under the hood of Kenny, her loyal yellow sweater. She doodles people on her notebook and invents wordplays only she can understand.

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Our publisher is running their annual Winter sale including 50% off of all SF studies titles. The discount code is LUP50. https://t.co/pWkAB7OEfz

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12/14(土)のFICTIONS STORE で販売する手描きトート、


ADDRESS:東京都目黒区東山2丁目3−4 lily東山ビル 4F
entrance free / 1drink(¥500)制

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unfortunately i have not ceased writing the fanned fictions . heres some illustrations for https://t.co/Mr0gQLh27L

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🌕le salon du livre de montreuil s’ouvre chaque année sur ses 4 traditionnelles pépites qui récompensent albums fictions bd et récits☄️les voici💫

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Bonbon here! To countdown to the release of my demo, I will introduce the hot singles I can help you meet! This is Hayley, who is fun and cool! She sure has a lot of “fanfictions” in her search history...

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Our Favourites at 2019.

Tehran: City of Love (Ali Jaberansari)
The Science of Fictions (Yosep Anggi Noen)
Diary of Cattle (David Darmadi & Lidia Afrilita)
Ode to Nothing (Dwein Ruedas Baltazar)

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I’m using a 19th century technology to record a 21st century one in Surface Tension. In its inception, analog photography, of course, was also the “latest” technology . & people were skeptical about it weaving fictions about individual lives or historical events.

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Where my homies at who love Dragon fanfictions?? Just me?? A'ight then,,

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Our comic 'Hasko' features in Dr 's article on Refugee Fictions for .

"The fragments of their life stories impart so much more reports or academic papers could ever do"

Article ➡️ https://t.co/Kw0ioeQWnp
Hasko's Story ➡️ https://t.co/KtqmHXj98z

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本日、星海社FICTIONSより”マージナル・オペレーション改 08 ”が発売されました!

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Thanks to the 20th anniversary and everything, I just had to watch the last chapters of Boruto and... now I have like 50 new SasuNaru fanfictions on my Bookmarks xD
Doodle by me✨

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Le IchiHime, je passais ma vie à lire les fanfictions pour finir par ouvrir un WattPad juste pour poster mes propres fanfictions et un Tumblr où je me faisais attaquer par les IchiRuki
J'ai giga chialé quand c'est devenu canon 😭😭 https://t.co/5q1ZK4Ipc6

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"Malé-fictions"-Hot spring Page 1+2

Da die Hauptstory von Malédiction sich (absichtlich) sehr langsam entwickelt, hatte ich die Idee nebenher noch ein paar lustige Kurz Comics zu machen :3 Die vielleicht auch nicht immer ganz canon sind~

Wär das was?

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