
1月7日(月) CRUTCH



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the covers to Ultimate Spider-Man by Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, and

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You should always finish what you started.

New page of my comic-adaptation of Bernhard Hennen's – The Elven – is up.

Find it at here at the very end

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Nephenne Comm Completed~

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will it take my death to see,
to see my destiny.
they say i live in a fantasy
i'm just lit off hennessy.
huh, yeah yeah yeeeeaahh

camp fire tale //

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remember the thing? started in summer. am redrawing everything now. 10 requested OCs + 2 i just really wanted to draw

Young Sabelian
Katto (erdhenne on insta)

the others will follow!

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We are pleased to announce the Guest of Honor for TFE 2018, Ellen-Ray Hennessy (VA for Mistmane)! She will be joining us for the convention on Saturday, November 17th @ 11am +8GMT. Come join us for a weekend of wholesomeness and inspiring stories. Art by krystlekmy (DeviantArt)

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Venom eating pizza, art by Mark Bagley w/ Andrew Hennessy

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CRISPR therapy shows promise in Duchenne muscular dystrophy https://t.co/hpB43Vw5Dr

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Hi! I'm Jhenne Tyler, an illustrator that digs traditional and digital mediums, paper art, and alllll kinda colors, from neon to earthtones. 🖌
▫️commissions: open! 💕
▫️jhennetylerb @ gmail(.)com

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Belzébuth, une des 7 Seigneurs de la Géhenne, c'était très exactement le 3e démon créée par Satan après Lilith et Béhémoth, et était censée être une version améliorée de Béhémoth. Tout comme lui, elle est brutale, cynique et colérique.

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i missed those bois
papryka (right) is mine and hennessy (left) belongs to

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’I think Hennessy, I drank I'm gone on that Bacardi Limón, Corona, I'm zoning’

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bloo의 hennessy 뮤비참고

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