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Impeachment Article: 1,231
‘Misuse of a chair in public office’
Chi ha lavorato per Trump
Chi lavora per Trump
Me watching Fiona Hill speak. #ImpeachmentIn5Words #ImpeachmentHearing
David Holmes, Counselor for political affairs at US embassy in Ukraine #ImpeachmentHearing
Hey, TeePublic is having a YUGE sale, get the Donald for $17 https://t.co/Kq1BM3DR2F #ImpeachmentHearingsNOW
EmpireWire cartoon: #ImpeachmentIn5Words: Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Giuliani, Mulvaney.
Wasting our time and money on a politically motivated charade #impeachment @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @IngrahamAngle
Well, THAT went well! #Sondland #sondlandtestimony #ImpeachmentHearing #UnderTheBus
#uspoli WH donnyt Pants-less by @PKuperArt #ImpeachmentHearings #uspolitics #maga Extortion ADMITTED
EmpireWire cartoon: #ImpeachmentInquiry #Impeachment #PigLatin. #Trump #QuidProQuo #IdquayOprayOquay
@TheRickWilson I dunno, @GOP seems to say this testimony is good for #Trump —Also called the Titanic a “Successful ghost submarine.” #impeachment #SondlandBombshell
@crookedmedia I have this digital drawing of my impeachment-viewing buddy, if that counts.
Damn #NeverTrumpers! Please share #laloalcaraz cartoons even during #ImpeachmentHearings
Quid pro quo
Thanks to Brant W. for the idea!
#QuidProQuo #quidproquotrumpsgottago #Trump #TrumpImpeachment #ImpeachmentHearings #impeachment #ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry #santaclaus #RudyGiuliani #barrontrump
Follow for more new cartoons
La visión de Gary @varvel del 'impeachement' como un producto de los rumores, inspirada en Norman Rockwell
#cartoon #ImpeachmentHearings #impeachment #DonaldTrump #Trump #cartoons
I’m so glad today’s #ImpeachmentHearings trending topic of today is #DevinNunesIsAnIdiot
Every other person around @Jim_Jordan #ImpeachmentHearings