nyaa my scarftail Kirumi (killme) laughsskfjjk

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how to procrastinate your art project; draw the x crack ship

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This was my weekend. Still sick. I think I ruptured my eardrum? Work tomorrow. Doomed!!!

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I'm going to end up the "friend artwork artist guy", arent I?

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When Tousen said, "The only path I see is one of justice."

"Pretty dark path, ain't it?"

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A new outfit for Suu Valkyrie


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AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA YES Loving Chibi Usa more and more <3

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I will miss this drama very much! (*_*)#Jisung ♡

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Got all this wallpapers to upload vv' 20 min each...

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When you've been waiting for your paycheck of $$$$ for 8 months now...

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Sometimes you just have to say 'f**k it' and be an Oompa Loompa

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Awesome use of the colour purple!! 'purple colour pop' by killmewiththecold

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When you get to the end of 2hr brief and the account man steps in and wants to "re-cap"

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