Окей я выложила видос в тикток и его заблочили... я зацензурила соски и его заблочили снова 🥲 там столько видосов с парнями с голыми торсами, а мой арт это сексуальный контент ... ну ладно)

1 16

Alt version without the background and lighting!

0 6

"Let's Rock!"
Montgomery Gator from
Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach. Follow me for more original art!

1 6

« There are so many like me, you’ll never escape »

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This baby took me 25h plz don’t let it flop 😭

9 33

Monty’s cry is heartbreaking. Angst comic
He had it the worst out of the 3 with a 98% chance of survival in the fire.

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I really wanted to draw Monty in human form...is that I love him very much ✨🐊

I think I'll do this with the whole band and sun and moon

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