V's like a cat who just won't leave your lap even if it's hot as hell🐱🖤 and nero loves it when V comes close by his own will so poor griffon have to be their ac😂

152 621

Day VIII. «Pets»

♡♡ (^ ω ^) (-o-) .o° zz

19 74

guess who just finished watching good omens👀 but in 's case, maybe V's the one who owns a vintage bookstore and nero would be a loyal angel soldier, until he met V tho, i guess😉

317 1136

I said I'd do a thing for the week!

38 132

Day V. «Reading»

The cursed prompt fdsjfds I think this one turned out well enough though.

7 27


25 90

The storm rages outside,
I will shelter you.

12 54

Day 2 Summer
Summer is going to beach swimming and playing time!!!


1 7

... So how about that Devil May Cry 5?👀 yes, yes, i know the spoilers... IDGAF... let 👏 Nero 👏 and 👏 V 👏 make 👏 out (just in time for NeroV week~)

3 13

"Just a couple more minutes..."

8 29

Day1 HighSchool Paro
I cant believe I done it !!!

2 16

starteeeed!! I'm excited ♥

Day I. «Rain»

10 44

NeroV week is about to start... and here's me, opening up my word processor to write MundusV / generating my own HCs that im too embarrassdd to say here LOL!!
im terrible--

-proceeds to hide-

0 6

C o l o r m e P i n k .

4 25