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#sonicoc time! Meet Flora the Seedrian! She’s sprouted from after Cosmos sacrifice in a tropical environment. Flora can’t speak, but she’s very adventurous and friendly. Though at times she can be a bit oblivious. Her ring is a memento of her home planet from where she was born.
365 - Walrein
Type: Ice / Water
Abilities: Thick-fat, Ice-body, Oblivious
364 - Sealeo
Type: Ice / Water
Abilities: Thick-fat, Ice-body, Oblivious
363 - Spheal
Type: Ice / Water
Abilities: Thick-fat, Ice-body, Oblivious
349 - Feebas
Type: Water
Abilities: Swift-swim, Oblivious, Adaptability
@LazuliLotus Yup, they have a long history together, way before Seth and Isis ascended. Not only does she know about Osiris' sins but she also enabled it. Everyone else seems to be oblivious to the sins she and Osiris committed. They are responsible for the dryout of the river of souls.
340 - Whiscash
Type: Water / Ground
Abilities: Oblivious, Anticipation, Hydration
339 - Barboach
Type: Water / Ground
Abilities: Oblivious, Anticipation, Hydration
Daily Sketch 02-28-2022
One neat fact about Winter MK is that he is completely oblivious to his hat hair
322 - Numel
Type: Fire / Ground
Abilities: Oblivious, Simple, Own-tempo
321 - Wailord
Type: Water
Abilities: Water-veil, Oblivious, Pressure
320 - Wailmer
Type: Water
Abilities: Water-veil, Oblivious, Pressure
314 - Illumise
Type: Bug
Abilities: Oblivious, Tinted-lens, Prankster
Ok ok, enough already, I looked in the mirror guys. "You just turned into a goat dude I swear you have horns and everything look!" I love a TF joke as much as anyone but learn to drop it BAAA
In the mood for some oblivious TFs
New Top post on r/gayfurryporn Unaware, Oblivious and Carefree (by Cinya) by StickyVG4AnimePP
Link to post: https://t.co/Bvk96kkqPQ
@metalisanft ✨Darkness Mine | My Shadow #6✨
_ many people live in a world of fantasy,blind,oblivious to the world and its problems. In this illustration we see a beautiful female face with eyes covered by roses;to not accept the situation or simply too innocent🌷| 0.025 $eth
@MavorTheTurnip smol hyper bold carries on with his day oblivious, but increasingly inconvenienced by him growing bigger and my hyper
238 - Smoochum
Type: Ice / Psychic
Abilities: Oblivious, Forewarn, Hydration