さらにバラカスが登場する R-TYPE II も CERO A (全年齢対象) です

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R-TYPE II: In 1991 Amiga gamers flew the R-9C against a massive counter attack from an evil alien force. A port of the 1989 Irem arcade game this was converted by Arc Developments and also came to the Atari ST and Game Boy

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R-TYPE FINAL2の発売日が、刻一刻と近づいています今日この頃。皆さんいかがお過ごしでしょう?R戦闘機のイラストも、43機まで参りました。ありがとうございます!


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Drencheon. Normal/Water-type.
Evolves from Eevee at level 35 while holding a Mystic Water.

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secondary Stand (or junior) that Baby Face creates is an independent, long-range, power-type Stand that acts as a surrogate fighter for Melone. It is powerful by default, can develop further depending on the progenitor, and its demise doesn't affect Melone, making it useful as a

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Seika: Half-Demon Half-Earthling who assists Time Patrol at the times, and wears a Vizor-type Scouter (Or headset) to hide some of her true appearance. She is not too fond of the fact she looks like a demon.

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The water-type captain Lana went fishing and caught some new pokemon but has she been using a weird hook or is it just me?

Collab with: https://t.co/nYPKpN79xi

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OK last one! Thanks for tolerating some R-Type Leo pixel art :D

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Literally I only ever use the one pencil brush for lining and then just use blender-type brushes for. everything else

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Has anyone noticed how Sword and Shield introduced a new Dragon/Steel-type (Duraludon), a Dragon/Ghost-type (Dragapult), and a Dragon/Water-type (Dracovish), matching up with the types of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina? You know what that means. SiNnOH cONfiRmED!

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〔R-TYPE・HUMAN_043〕ガルーダさん | 大福亭やぎめー https://t.co/0iJPf9D8Di


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R-TYPE Final2 Special Chronicle BOX追加情報!R-TYPEテーマソング楽曲CDのジャケットイラストが公開に! - https://t.co/iDR4VDqXq1

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俺の【大好きなゲーム】と言うのカテゴリー中に と言うゲームがある。ストーリーは勿論だが【絵】が心にグサっと刺さり 今でも抜けない
時が経ちその絵師 さんが なんと俺を描いてくれた! 感動でしかない! しかもR-TYPE で辻野さん⁉️ 心より有難うございます。

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【R-TYPE Final 2 Special Chronicle BOX】に収録される、KICK THE CAN CREWの x R-TYPEのテーマソングCDジャケットを初公開!「絵師・辻野寅次郎」こと 氏が描き下ろしたデザインです。宜しくお願い致します。#gamesglorious


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Fixed the pallete with the new colors of Anqua, the Water Snake Pokémon and Water-type starter for !

Anqua are very smart and lovely Pokémon, they love to coil around their trainers arms or waist to stay close to them.

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R-TYPERなら知らない人はいないであろうこの機体!R-9/0“ラグナロック”の登場です♪ https://t.co/Clh35j5jrL

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