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Day 2 of the Folktale Week - "Magic"

For this one I picked a story about "Magical Bag" which helps a young boy overcome several obstacles.

Writen by Svetlana Makarovič.

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je m'appelle Tom, étudiant en Game Art, je kiffe dessiner, les JV et les chats >v< Je mentionne aussi:

Ces personnes méritent un max d'amour, jetez un coup d'oeil à ce qu'ils font! <3

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Petite dessin parce que et sont les meilleurs et qu'ils le méritent♥♥

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A remaster of an old comic, re writen and remastered by myself and co creator and friend Generationslayer. Keep an eye here for any future updates and special events.
Art done by myself Story written by Generationslayer
a joint project by GS productions and NdNode production.

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Guten Morgen! In regnet es gerade. Ich trinke jedoch gemütlich und schrieb ein Gedicht auf An diesem sende ich Euch das Bild: "Großmutters Margeriten" und wünsche trotz allem einen farbenfrohen Tag.

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No preguntes,solo gozalo ¿

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I’m just going to buy myself a set of these gorgeous Plant vs Planters prints by Alberto Cerriteno so that I don’t have to feel so guilty about killing all our real plants.

More on MbF —

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Page 18/24 ‘ "Golden eggs from a golden hen!" cried Jack’s mother. "Now we’ll never be poor again!" ’ [Text (c) WriteNow]

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Page 17/24 ‘The hen started laying, but soon . . . the giant was snoozing. Jack snatched the hen and raced down the beanstalk.’ [Text (c) WriteNow]

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Die beiden hier sind meine Favoriten von Ramonas bösen Ex-Freunden.

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Parce que c'est le rêve de bien des artistes ainsi que le mien de pouvoir arriver à ce niveau, parce que leur travail est juste fantastique, parce qu'ils le méritent ! Go contribuer au de !
GO 852 % !

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