画質 高画質

"Well Well"
Power can be intoxicating even in microscopic amounts.

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"Well Well"
Power can be intoxicating even in microscopic amounts.

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Kali ini temanya Zodiac.
Zodiac ku scorpio, krn aku pgn gambar couple tp aku ga paham perhoroscope an, akhirnya aku brtny kpd madam Google siapakah couple scorpio? Munculah bbrp zodiac dan aku mmutuskan untk milih Cancer krna sama2 pnya capit. Biar klo lg gemes bisa capit2an 🦂🦀

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\Horoscope Musica試聴会 II/


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\Horoscope Musica試聴会 II/


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Making new commission examples!
Using 's Lala, Roscoe

17 79

Morning fun! Microscopic aardvark, aardvark, fluffy aardvark, hedgehog 100 Draw Along with and

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Thank you for the lovely str am tonight! We did some microscopy, talked fruit fly embryos, and gargoyles art! Thank you to jp_sunsetwoodworking for the raids! Passed the love to ! See you tomorrow!

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I received a new set from RawGalleryNFT’s UK collage artist Rosco Brittin . Not certain where this will be released yet but MY GOD this is good. Absolutely stoked! 🎨❤️


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Meet 💜Valerie💜, our upcoming Thursday space guest!

She is the big brain behind @ astrowonders (on IG). Her witty and insightful memes bring so much fun to the Astrology community!

She will join us to discuss
"Dating with 12 horoscopes be like"

Don't go away, stay tuned💫

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Forget your astrological signs, forget your MBTI personality types. What Pokémon from the Unova Horoscope are you?

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It's Leo season! 🦁♌️

Leo's are known for being brave and going at tasks alone. Instead, you should take this month to branch out and grow your network!

Two heads are better than one, and you never know what's possible with some teamwork!

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First zodiac in my collection - Cancer ♋️

Ruling planet - Moon 🌙
Leading element - Water🌊
This angel has emotionality, intuition and sensuality
The character is complemented by a flower horoscope of a lily
0.04 ETH

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