This line from Gav’s Misunderstanding Date is still so sweet…

4 38

The very long overdue raffle piece for @/sara_schone! (I’m sorry it took so long urghhh)
V’s always a fun character to draw😌

2 21

🖤 𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖏𝖎: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖂𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖂𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖌, CHAPTER I. 🖤
A try of Visenya and Vladislav’s very... formal reunion ✨

0 3

Friday Morning cartoons I watched MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Bugs & Sam in From Hare to Heir (1960)
Tom & Jerry in Tee for Two (1945)
Porky Pig in The Film Fan (1939)
Foghorn Leghorn in The Dixie Fryer (1960)
Elmer in Dog Gone People (1960)

3 7

Erdan kokumbaev’s illustration


0 1

The Fighting Game Guy of the Day is (6/7):

Marstorius/Karnov’s Revenge

Requested by:

11 65

Dragon Ash to Perform on Fuji TV’s Terrestrial Music Program- “Love music” for the First Time in Four Years!

4 4

You thought Fafnir was Book V’s main antagonist, but it was me, Eitri!

165 722

Dropping this here to remind myself of xav’s fashion sense before his bard days

3 14

here’s the 15 min drawing i did for bev’s pfp

4 33

Dude we made a design! My buddy is gonna make a suit of this dude!

We just need a name.
Design by me
Base referenced from Szwendav’s

0 0

Thursday Morning cartoons I watched MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Bugs Bunny in Hare Splitter (1948)
Pink Panther in Psychedelic Pink (1968)
B.O. Skunk in Little 'Tinker (1948)
Popeye & Olive in Bride and Gloom (1954)
The Cat That Hated People (1948)

2 6

congrats! 🎉

fav’s gotta be Yuri from DDLC

0 4

Tuesday Morning cartoons I watched MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”*
Bugs in The Old Grey Hare (1944)
Foghorn in Strangled Eggs (1961)
Hello How Am I (1939)
Tom & Jerry in Tom-ic Energy (1965)
A Pizza Tweety-Pie (1958)
*A repeat from February 8, 2021

0 2

イチャイチャな2人 with Ruv’s 指笑顔(finger smile)漫画

What is a finger smile?
By pushing up the corners of your mouth with your fingers, you can make your mouth feel more like a smile.


14 93

Me: update Gav’s summer wardrobe!

PG: Aight bet

*rips open shirt and pants*

Me: T..thank _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

13 56

Is it me or Capcom be making their male villains look masculine as hell..barely no curves or rough non feminine features..Unlike the average man. Like *cough cough..SFV’s Ryo…etc. Just saying
Pic from the game on the left, fan made on right. Hire fans lol

6 35

I’m never getting that 2% cause that 2% that’s missing is literally Gav’s king SSR and SR karmas (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)

0 11

Dragunov’s buff w/o context:

12 51

Dreamer/Nia Nal played by the wonderful . TV’s first (and hopefully not last) trans superhero! Can’t wait to see what she does in the future!

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