[NEW] "Sweet Vertigo" - Limited Edition Aluminum Prints by | Starting at $85: http://t.co/EmcUaspQyT

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Guildenstern, Gerhard Richter, 1998 cibachrome print on aluminum

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"Fashionista" 101| http://t.co/TiOES7og1j

Exclusive Aluminum Prints from $69, by

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"Time Between" - A fantastic use of colors and textures: http://t.co/sB8MDwl2ON - Aluminum Prints by

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Clint is on Curioos: http://t.co/EEKf5PoEcc - Numbered Aluminum Prints by from $69

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"Mr Frank", by on Aluminum Prints http://t.co/BgMWcGySZQ Order before midnight for Free Shipping(EST)!

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Aluminum Prints of "Smoke" by // On sale now, from $69: http://t.co/h8U0ToNUaX

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Stunning Aluminum Prints of "Tiger" on sale now: http://t.co/1g8Q6DgGUe by

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"La Fable de la Girafe": http://t.co/MaWbH4iGc1 by - Numbered Aluminum Prints from $69

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"Fashion Victim": http://t.co/RHoDgd2knZ by - Numbered Aluminum Prints Now Available in our Gallery

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"Harrison Ford" is here: http://t.co/6h492L8gVW Numbered Aluminum Prints from $69, by

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Curioos just got cooler, "Sunny Leo" now in Numbered Aluminum Prints: http://t.co/pb1KdZTrHe by

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Sold to one lucky buyer! Printed as a unique work on aluminum with a satin finish and stainless steel backing.

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"Psychedelic" MicroCrystal on Aluminum. Curious what u think =)

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The Curtain Opens Upon the New....... 2012, oil on aluminum All the best, TM u should contact me ~

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