{Alyssa}Reading more than a light novel.
【Invite ID】800647393553

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Aaaaaa yas ranking event no bloodbath ;A; can't wait to get that adoooooooorable 10 stage outfit hhhhh <3 <3

0 16

Ready for the Second Half of the Fantasy Event, mates? I know I am, and it certainly looks like this lovely lady is too! Don't keep her waitin'!

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Thank you Fran for these gorgeous recs <3 :D

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Thank you Sayumi for the beautiful recs <3 have to stay up until 9 am so might as well do some tweets :3

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Part 2 of Ronan's recs, <3 beautiful <3

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Aaaaa thank you so much, Ronan these are absolutely gorgeous~~ <3 :D

0 20

We're gettin' close to the spookiest month of the year, mates! Here's a little sneak peek at the scariest App Packs around! They'll have you runnin' to your mummy! Gehehe!

5 84

H-hello there, pretty lass. Th-that's an awful big d-d-dog you've got there... I just happen to be a d-dog person myse--- What's that? It's a w-w-wolf?! *gulp* B-blimey... H-he wouldn't happen to be a vegetarian, would he?

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{Xaiya}Pure girl
【Invite ID】800647393553

0 15

{Regina}Happy 4th year of
【Invite ID】800647393553

0 18

Happy Birthday Hexie! (that's me) from all my girls!
【Invite ID】657382501069

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( 'ω')「わたしは…恋を知る」
第4回虹色ガールズコレクション2d mini

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