This pretty much sums up my last few months in AI. At this point I’ve become desensitized for life in certain aspects.

Also this is my fursona.

4 27

Sebelum closing masih ada sesuatu untuk memenuhi tugas
Trims guru gambar terbaik memberi kesempatan gambar husbu 🥺🙏

Gmb husbu pake gakuran agar mendapatkan esensi sekolahan

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Nemo x Aatto nonesense LET'S GO HAPPY GAY MONTH

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>しかたなくトロおんぶしながら街歩いてたら弟に見つかったお兄さん 見つかって照れて、とかではなく自分がこれ以上おんぶしてる義理ないなって判断で手渡すおにいさんすこ ありがとうございます

1 3


2 9

>ご飯の食べ方が幼女すぎて家主にニヤニヤされるお兄さん ありがとうございます

1 6

And we are so desensitized to this shit that we kinda just.... exist. It's kinda just like this constantly:

80 1847

We can’t become desensitized to the multifaceted damage Trump is doing to our nation—even with just his tweets.

My cartoon for this week:

13 31

...saat itu juga keajaiban menghampirinya. ABTT, Akademi Bayangan Tingkat Tinggi. Akhirnya Selena telah berhasil merangsek masuk ke ABTT.

Resensi selengkapnya bisa baca di link ini ya

1 8

>ペドポケピに襲われてるおにいさん ありがとうございます

3 14

[WIP pls dont rt] haduuu walupun gw males Banget pake Banget bikin background, gw pengen banget nggambarin lingkungan deket kampus buat preserving great memories gitu,,, esensinya 1. warteg 2. buku bajakan 3. fotokopian,,

0 5

El diputado, Juan Requesens, suma 656 días secuestrado por el régimen. Hace un llamado a todo el pueblo venezolano a no rendirse ante la tiranía.

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🇧🇴This tiny interathere jaw from is now the holotype of a Juchuysillu ("small hoof" in Quechua) arenalesensis (the fossil site). Reconstruction by w. a mesothere notoungulate behind it. Published in

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なんとアマビエカラーのアイシャドウパレットが生まれました… とてもきれいですね😊


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