So today's the GameCube's 20th anniversary, hey? That sounds like a good enough reason to repost these drawings of the main cast from the launch title Super Monkey Ball, which was also GonGon's debut to the Monkey Ball series!

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Nintendo Gamecube is 20 years old today! This little cube of games held many of my most treasured childhood games:

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Hey are 4 more excellent Gamecube games. They are so many other great ones too like 1080 Avalanche, WarioWare Inc Mega Party Games, Paper Mario, Mario Sunshine, Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 & many more.

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Gamecube is 20 years old. I've had so many great times with the system & a lot of games on it are still amazing to this day. Here are my 4 favourite Gamecube games.

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If there's any memories that are precious to me, it's gotta be the time I spent playing Pokémon XD and Pokémon Channel. Plowing through battles with Shadow Lugia, or just sitting down and watching TB with my best friend Sparky, the Gamecube has a special place in my heart.

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Nintendos Zauberwürfel, der wird 20 Jahre alt. An welche Spiele denkt ihr zuerst, wenn es um diese Konsole geht und was waren eure besten Erfahrungen damit?

Mir kommen da zuerst diese Spiele in den Sinn. Super Smash Bros Melee war übrigens mein erstes Game Cube Spiel.

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Today is the 20th Anniversary of the Nintendo GameCube! Did you play any of these 3 Spyro games on the GameCube?

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I’m exploring a new completely obscure game ! IDK SHIT about it :>
Will You Dare Stepping Into The Unknown Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem With Me? Be There Or Be Square...*
*this is funny because its a gamecube game.

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Baten Kaitos = best GameCube memories ❤️

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Nintendo Twitter acknowledging an anniversary?!

But in all seriousness the GameCube is great. A ton of classics

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Its the Gamecubes 20th birthday in Japan. My first Nintendo system and what a great one. Play some gamecube today

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Hoy cumple 20 añazos la mítica GAMECUBE de Nintendo. Una consola elegante e infravalorada por muchos, pero con un catálogo maravilloso.

¿Cuál es vuestro juego preferido de esta plataforma?

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Damn so many anniversaries today.

-Super Mario Bros (36 years)

- GameCube & Luigi's Mansion (20 years)

- Smash Bros for. Wii U & 3DS (7 years)

- Isabelle Smash Reveal (3 years)

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[FANART] Happy 20th Anniversary to the Nintendo GameCube!!🎉
Here’s some artwork of my favorite games!

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"Miror B. from that one GameCube Pokémon game that should've been ported to the Switch already?! What are you doing here on a Monday?!"

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Aujourd’hui on fête les 20 ans de la gamecube! Les jeux qui m’ont laissé le plus de souvenirs ↓

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