Reminder that vampire Yoongi would punch racists, homophobes, transphobes, and islamophobes for you

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I'm demisexual.

If you are homophobe, transphobe, racist or you are someone who doesn't respect, unfollow me now.

I want to keep my TL clean and safe.

Thanks. 🖤💜🤍✨

5 16

currently scrolling through some hyper religious homophobes twitter feed and realized that the person tweeting all this crap is FIFTEEN

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This will never stop being my headcanon about both Love/Hate relationship. If you disagree, you're a homophobe.

0 7

In addition: heck homophobes/transphobes/other peeps who refuse to just let people be themselves. There is no place for them in the Rayman community. The recent hate messages in my inbox have not been fun, and no other Rayman fan should have to go trough this.

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long day of stabbing homophobes

52 266

Everyone else has pretty much already said what needs to be said so here's my contribution to the subject. Eat the flesh of racists and trans/homophobes, we don't need them anymore

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I had a dream about a triton who got crowned as king of his people after stabbing a bunch of homophobes and transphobes in a fight,,, anyways of course I had to draw him

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rebuttal to any homophobe or transphobe

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Happy International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia everyone!

Here's Batman beating up some homophobes

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Certain people in my other fandom want to shove their canon in my face and call me a homophobe for not liking it.

Nah fam, it's just not my taste.

But I stan these two fucking absolute QUEENS

everyone should

8 41


Incels and homophobes don't matter and can die mad about it.

We can like things, have fun and be happy, just like Scott and Logan are together ❤

25 140

good evening to everyone except for homophobes, transphobes and general bigots! you guys get my glock (*´꒳`*)💚💚

5 29

Norman i did for a lil vc stream!! hate this gay homophobe!! [Ratboy]

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Still Can't Believe Katara Went Off On Homophobes Like This

53 408

The Social Justice Groupchat In His Brain Advises Jaden On How Not To Be A Transphobe or Homophobe

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of course it is bro
and eugene is this ugly fucker, a mansplainer and probably an homophobe

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