How dare you… Never suggest my boy harming his brother ever again, Kubera

0 8

I see, that makes a lot of sense. This makes me hopeful about Samphati's future since she doesn't feel a grudge against Yuta anymore and is able to think much more clearly

0 8

Kubera was the one who gave the item to Samphati⁉️ That's big, I don't think he goes around handing the eye of perishment to any desperate Rakshasa he sees so Samphati must play a larger role in the grand scheme of things

0 8

Yeah, seems like it's not a trap but it's still not something I'd want Maruna to use. Also, Kubera's expression in the last panel is quite interesting👀

0 8

Ohh, I don't know if that was stated before but I did not realize that Samphati developed using the eye of perishment. Maruna has a point tho, I also think most Suras who used the item were fully aware of it's risks but were desperate enough to wanna use it

0 8

Ofc Maruna would wanna shoulder all the burden😭

0 9

Yess baby, you don't have to fight alone😊

0 8

I wonder if that's completely true…

0 8

Ah shit, this doesn't make me any less worried

0 8

Yeah, this is his human form in the fourth stage and he's this freaking powerful. Imagine how insanely strong he would be in his fifth stage

0 8

Okay, if god Kubera is gassing someone up, you know they're a big deal💜👀

0 8

Aaaa, Ran is protecting his lil brother😭 Also, wow Yaksha's training must've paid off, look at how strong Ran has become💜

0 10

Yearning?? Wait… Iirc, Kali used a Nastika's name in order to give birth to Yuta and the image I saw of Raltara's mother resemble Yuta's developed self so I wonder the yearning Raltara feels is due to a connection with her mother's name

0 9

The "time" that traveled before them, huh? This only adds fuel to my crack theory of Leez being the "time" Ananta mentioned when he talked about how he and "time" were close😁😁

0 10

Yeah, time is not something you can mess around casually

0 9

Noo, he's still your brother and he cares about you so fucking much😭😭

0 9

Like hell you don't care Maruna, come here and tell your brother you don't mean it

0 9

Maruna's face says it all…

0 10

"Is this how your origin limits you", huh🤔 but I wonder what would Kubera think of Maruna's developed self

0 8

That's Yuta's main body, isn't it…

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