Aztec Cal: Day Acatl (Reed) is governed by Tezcatlipoca. Acatl is the scepter of authority which is, paradoxically, hollow. It is a day when the arrows of fate fall from the sky like lightningbolts
A good day to seek justice, a bad day to act against others

4 9

She watched his face as her fingertips brushed his chest, cataloging his reactions like he did to her. But unlike her, he held her gaze without flinching. He let her watch his pupils dilate.

His face remained placid, but his eyes— It was intoxicating to be looked at like that. +

37 179

The horror comic that y’all NEED to be reading is House of Slaughter.

Honestly, the best relationship that has hit comics in recent years. The chemistry between Aaron & Jace is intoxicating & captivating.

Plus, Jace is West Indian! Haitian King!

A perfect book. Idc. Idc.

3 19

"Right now I can't see straight
Intoxicated it's true
When I'm with you
I'm buzzing and I feel laced
I'm coming from a different phase
When I'm with you"

ZAYN - dRuNk

11 26

couldn't decide what to draw so I drew them both
keli is a sorta paradoxical sona🦌🦥

7 42

"Bored or Intoxicated" (2022), full artwork

0 5

“Bored or Intoxicated” (2022),

6 31

intoxicated monitorman thinks of monkeys while drawing

1 5

Been feeling paradoxically depressed. Definitely in a depressive episode..I’m too stuck to even process it. I’m just in it. It’s inconvenient, I’m tired. I can’t stop.

0 3

Aquestes festes he consumit tant de sucre processat que a finals de gener encara no he pogut deixar-ho malgrat els evident prejudicis immediats i a llarg termini que em provoca. Procedeixo a període forçat de desintoxicació, els propers dies em notareu amb extra de mala hòstia.

0 25

Una niña perdida en el bosque y los susurros entre los árboles que la atormentan.

"El linaje de los condenados" (2021) | Técnicas: acrílico, grafito, retoque digital y las máscaras son esculturas de plastilina epoxica

2 7

I enjoy that Seth is canonically an emotional drunk who gets intoxicated and just decides that everyone sucks and that he needs to fight something IMMEDIATELY. Only his son gets a pass, where instead of anger it's a tidal wave of sadness. ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

32 263

I present you folks with Part One of my Round 1 comic: Paradoxical Impulse
(Link below to the Tapas)

22 45

Someone said they were tired of weak Chica so I made her lift

0 8