Financial Times - Rana Foroohar writes on Facebook's Bully Boy tactics with politicians and detractors.

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The most crucial step in fighting against political corruption and forcing politicians to get back to creating the greatest good for the greatest number of people is to reform our current campaign finance structure. I support campaign fina…

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Perfect politicians don't exi-

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All wildlife need water to survive, and many species call rivers, lakes & wetlands home. But politicians are trying to weaken the law that protects them. Act NOW! Sign here to and

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Opinions from Politicians have shaped narratives in politics & at times perceived as truth. As commentators take the shine, Cartoonists using satire have remained unsung heroes. In our Tonight, we tell a story titled; ‘The Cartoonists Living Dangerously’

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Indeed! Subsidy Sam should be required reading by all politicians

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The green octopus tries to continue spreading its environment-busting tentacles; creeping round gullible politicians; whispering in ears; hoodwinking the unresearched. But the public is prising off those subsidy-sucking tentacles

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California Proposition 6 Repeals The Gas Tax

All tax increases will be spent on pensions and "slow speed rail"

Why not use the surplus for this?

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he looks like one of those angry politicians in 70s or 80s

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Anyone who votes for politicians who flood the streets with , foreign criminals and domestic criminals

Do you want your children robbed, raped and murdered?

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Imagine being investigated for sharing a cartoon. That’s what's happening to Turkish students who shared this image depicting President Erdoğan in the form of various animals. RT to support our right to satirise politicians

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oh my god just cancel brexit already, these politicians are DUMB

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EDITORIAL CARTOON: Great curtain raisers....but now we want to see more blood, some politicians. Cartoon published in the star newspaper

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What do hard-working practice to relax?

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