Terryn & Revlis, played by and in 's D&D game, Death & Debts. I shared a WIP for the stream but here's the finished piece now. You guys are all the best 👍!

34 410

As promised, the separate icon/token/whatever they are in case anyone wanted them for something

11 124

Drawing I made of Projekt Melody as seen in the video: https://t.co/ye3GW2V4eC Hope you like it!

11 53

Still learning how to make digital art look good, but I still wanted to make a big bootied Melody

1 9

🎵I'm your wish, your dream come true
And I am your darkest nightmare too
I've shown you
I own you🎵

Terryn Zabi and her patron from Death and Debts. Patron relationships are seldom on the best of terms.

2 18

Melody in a bunny suit is surprisingly cute! Please enjoy~🐇

Psst.. you can grab an extra lewd ver on https://t.co/qKeLL9kJJ8

46 261

oHBOUI its the mom aka 😳 she do be lookin hella cute doe.
it took me a bit long to draw this because its so challenging
_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

but i made it in the end so- wOO!

Commissioned by
Thank you so much! ಥ﹏ಥ

180 1755

Done. Has been a busy week (and a really hot one too).
Made this out of the Fall Guys Stream feat.
I went lazy on the background- can you tell?

24 344

Hey, and , I hope you like these. Turned out a lot cuter than planed. Melody, feel free to tease Nux about this.

3 20

I noticed that 's new hair style was close to Prinz Eugen's from Azurlane so i wanted to see what it would be like if you put the 2 together.

2 24

Thankyou to for drawing this GREAT commission of .
Can you resist her beckon?

698 6502

With those twintails can finally cosplay as Rin Tohsaka, the ultimate sun deer, from the Fate franchise!

apologies on my scuffed editing >.<

2 28

I got a bit hooked on dnd again lately
and I love the oil painted character portrait optic
So I wanted to try to implement that optic into my art style
and here is the result
(this is 's character Terryn Zabi from the d&d game Death and Depts)

31 294

another commission by the god-like


and her NiMBUS rocket!!!

181 2208

W-wait just a m-minute!

courtesy of !


193 1483