What a charmer, that SCP-035! It’s such a shame they keep it cooped up in that awful, cramped containment cell! I’m sure no one would notice if I...took it out for a little fresh air…

5 13

If it's too hot and cramped it just busts itself out 💦

142 601

The original boxes were too cramped so I made my own. I'm a rebel.
Hope you enjoy!

2 8

Those giant robot cockpits sure seem cramped...

55 329

Ich könnte darauf wetten, dass mit den neuen Mietern oben auch eine kleine Herde Elefantenbabies eingezogen sind. Anders kann ich mir das Getrampel nicht erklären.

0 35

The beastal hunt goes on!!

He's was able to get more food and now the others are getting cramped!

0 1

Desperate situation for orcas and beluga whales currently awaiting their fate in Russian Bay. Many belugas are less than one year old and both whale species cramped in tiny enclosures. https://t.co/dVGAlR6ay8
Images: Free Russian Whales

12 10

will keep you cramped &insane your wholeLife
It's the obstacle between you & a ShittyFirstDraft

41 137

A little cramped. Original art by , 2013.

11 142

Commission pour !

-rerampe sous ses révisions-

4 38

Working on a personal piece, a fullbody for that matter.. I cramped my hand though 😭

2 11

It's finally done...! My entry for fanart contest ヽ( ´ω` )ノ it's been a while since I drew and also I was super cramped on time but I hope y'all like it!! ☆ || Blackbird & Veloce Visrin (Carciphona/Amongst Us)

0 2

NEW PONAH REF FINALLY! srtill not 100% happy with bits cus it looks a little cramped but i can't edit it now without hell lmaooo

but there she is, the girl!

17 187

Went back and updated the design of my ✌️
-Inspired by blue face peacock spider
-Mostly maneuver close to ground (not used to heights)
-His small stature gives him advantage in slipping through cramped spaces or away from enemy's grapple
-High mobility and fast

28 118

I have tramped down this track in all weathers. This depicts one of the darker, windier and muddier ones! Happy Winter Solstice. Here’s to some longer days! Oil and chinagraph on mount board.

0 0

will keep you cramped&insane your wholeLife
It's the obstacle between you & a ShittyFirstDraft

28 86

Out through the window, into the Alley. But instead of feeling free of the dark room, we're dumped into just as cramped and claustrophobic a space as before. The right-left line of motion carries through these last two panels, giving the chase momentum.

0 1


Duro golpe al rampeo de Druida, ya era hora, y también a algunas de las cartas más poderosas en el meta.

¿Que os parecen a vosotros estos nerfeos?

28 100

« Qui rampe pour le gain, court a la tombe »

"Who crawls for gain, runs to the grave"

0 0

First time drawing with a drawing tablet :D My hand cramped up so badly LOL

1 6