"Dibujé a Flandre quien logró escapar de la mansión al cambiar de ropa con Rumia"
Primero las cosas importantes, ¿Y esa carta?
(どうもありがとうございました!) https://t.co/BpExAG8MHX

5 33

I was drawing Rumia, how did I end up doing this?

100 484

🇺🇸 "Flandre losing her mind when Rumia leaves"
A from
Thank you for this story, sorry for the delay translating it!

9 33

🇫🇷 "Flandre craque en voyant Rumia partir", un de

2 16


Hello, lads.

Today is Tuesday and the 8th, so it's Daiyousei Day, Belated Rumia Day and Nazrin Day.


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Well time for the pain of college I guess


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