
1 10

Es hora de atravesar las nubes en The Legend of Zelda: ¡ya disponible para

150 1190

Erforscht die Welt unter den Wolken in The Legend of Zelda: Jetzt für erhältlich!

57 773

L'heure est venue de découvrir le monde sous les nuages dans The Legend of Zelda: maintenant disponible sur Nintendo Switch !

163 1138

It's time to dive beneath the clouds in The Legend of Zelda: available now on Nintendo Switch!

140 1262


101 354

Skyward sword is actually a good game. You guys are just mean

4 9

skyward sword today !! have some tea with

29 128



2 11


6 30

I cant pick up my new joycons cus we're in lockdown 😔
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined

5 6

Heres the results of todays stream! Painted up Links Loftwing from Skyward Sword! Can wait to buy this game might have to wait till the fall tho....

0 5

過去絵ですがお祝い…🎉本当におめでとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )

1 18