Suddenly, the ‘naught felt a feeling he could not explain. Shapes extended from his body, but there was no pain. It was like they were coming through in waves. A bright light appeared and hit him. Then brilliant colors filled his vision.

1 3

And this is how Chongyun get his vision... 🧊

(Little reminder that i do some commissions, dm me if you're interested !)

9 71

Picked my grail doodle the other day. Bullish on the brand and the team’s vision.

Currently exploring ideas to build an IRL brand together with my doodles.🍦

Would love to connect with the doodles fam / builders!

14 201

"I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was: man is but an ass, if he go about to expound this dream."
Shakespeare, A Midsummer-Night's Dream

4 12

She's testing you on tattvic vision. Do you see the flashing colours?

0 14

A significant development in her work was Futurism - she even appeared topless, adorned with symbols, as part of her vision. She integrated futurism, cubism & primitivism. Flowers (1912), Cyclist (1913), Linen (1913) & Airplane over Train (1913)

0 4

Reference for my kitty Vision...

0 5

Faire face au changement et se comporter comme un esprit libre en présence du destin est une force invincible. La seule chose pire que d’être aveugle est d’avoir la vue mais pas de vision. Helen Keller. Bonjour. C'est lundi.

Juliano Mazzuchini

1 8

Faire face au changement et se comporter comme un esprit libre en présence du destin est une force invincible. La seule chose pire que d’être aveugle est d’avoir la vue mais pas de vision. Helen Keller. Bonjour. C'est lundi.

Juliano Mazzuchini

1 7

Faire face au changement et se comporter comme un esprit libre en présence du destin est une force invincible. La seule chose pire que d’être aveugle est d’avoir la vue mais pas de vision. Helen Keller. Bonjour. C'est lundi.

Juliano Mazzuchini

0 7

Faire face au changement et se comporter comme un esprit libre en présence du destin est une force invincible. La seule chose pire que d’être aveugle est d’avoir la vue mais pas de vision. Helen Keller. Bonjour. C'est lundi.

Juliano Mazzuchini

0 6

revision. they do still have the other fit but this is the norm

0 9

Faire face au changement et se comporter comme un esprit libre en présence du destin est une force invincible. La seule chose pire que d’être aveugle est d’avoir la vue mais pas de vision. Helen Keller. Bonjour. C'est lundi.

Juliano Mazzuchini

0 4

I left my consciousness in the 6th dimension, left my soul in his vision. Let's go get it.

🌟🌈Please do not QRT or repost my art unless you bought it!🌈🌟

2 11

The Byakugan isn’t a sensing technique, it’s a dōjutsu that grants them “X-ray” vision. For this reason, Sakura is the only person to have a sensing technique that can map complete structures.

In that aspect, both techniques, although different, have the same function.

2 27

Operation Market Garden. Textbook landing of two Waco gliders transporting men from American 101 Airborne Division.

72 636

cant fully explain this vision. kuro dayo

165 390

It's summer time! Time for the tactical bikinis. Something felt off with the previous posts. I had to do a another revision.

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