画質 高画質

Chu WanNing is a good boy that deserves to be loved :33

36 110

Credit to the owner of this idea I just want to draw my own version.

498 1042


28 78

seeing the results of the poll clearly I'm not horny enough on main

109 334



37 135

*Pls DO NOT repost/use elsewhere*
這張終於畫完啦 好開心😊Previous KNIVES: https://t.co/xeVkqZSYYf

125 297

not to be horny on main but I am

154 475


Making art is joy and suffering all in one. Much like 2ha.

19 77

Remember to cuddle your Shizun every day! (ill゚д゚)ノ

Close-ups in thread.
I went away for the weekend and missed out on my TL crying everywhere over 2ha! Please accept my offering for (almost) 6 mth Twitter anniversary. Thank you everyone for being awesome!

435 1033