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Because it's true........

1 2

Every cat owner knows it's true.

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G Gundam definitively proving that old wrestling cliche about bouncing off the ring ropes making you faster is TRUE.

13 24

Aaaand that concludes my day. Thank you everybody for the birthday wishes! They came true. <3

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In two weeks I'm awaiting my dream to come true. Be it so.

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HA yes I did didn't I... It's true..look at this one... [not mine, just a nice find]

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Yes it's true. Great talent ! TY for you ( Margherita Lipinska )

6 4

It's funny, because it's true. We just aren't aware of it because it's happening online.

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Last night my dream came true. Me and

1 5

Very true. You should get it if you can. Suck a sick cover.

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This should be more true.

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[count down6]someday it'll be true.

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I... Yes. This is true. I do this.

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