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Sorry this took so long. Pomu's outfit is referenced from 's art.

58 685

Happy late birthday present Pomu. Was gonna be finished earlier but I redid the microphone when I was already at the coloring stage.

29 554

People really want a Maid Pomu eh

14 259

doodled some pomu during the chatting stream

19 137

congratulations on a successful debut obsydia!!! welcome to the family!!!
i love you guys ♡♡♡

229 1574

It's not power harrassment, it's pollination


0 1

I cry, I've fallen in love with my own alt outfit design for Pomu, this isn't right. I believe in fairies. spare me


0 5

the pomufication of strawberry shortcake 🍓🧚🍂🍓

21 181

Happy belated birthday Pomuuuuu
Release your inner AggRetsuko now that you are freeeeeeeee from OL life

I just watched your "Quit my job" stream and I want to wish you good luck for your future!
We Pomudachis will support you all the way

40 342

One day Pomu's forest experienced a harsh snowstorm that seemed unending, transforming the forest into a winter wonderland where Pomu had to adapt to her surroundings and become a Snow Fairy. ❄

12 143

~Doki Doki Lazulight Gakuen~ (?)

Otakuthon event theme made me interested to make Lazulight design of uniform because! what else!! I want to see!! beside uniform!!!!

(just kidding, maid/butler uniform is good too hehew)

95 608