画質 高画質

gondar here, keeping track of every exam cheat sheet

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This is me the night before every exam tbh

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wish me luck, Fundamental of Statistic final exam!! Go!Go!Go!

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Character design for my upcoming comic Final Exam

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Shiona Finlinson A2 Exam

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yeah weekend is near! to sad that i´ve a exam on sunday :(

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woaaa finaleeeh my exam is over xx

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Oh magic conch, will i do well on this AP bio exam?

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When I reach the essay part of my AP English exam.

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Gon use my godly powers and walk into the Caribbean exam like this.

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Iori day today!! guess i'll go buy cakes and orange juices after today's exam.. how many years has it been now.......

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I can't use sceen recording....
And my exam is coming soon.


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My outfit for exam week..

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I had an eye exam today with a beautiful optometrist and was inspired to make a sketch.

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Katrina Guan painting AS Exam Earth Air Fire and Water based on the Kunlun volcano in China

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I will disappeared for a while because of the month exam,but I will still remember you all the time. Good night ~

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art exam done 👍 I'll try not to spam you with too many more of these but I'm not promising anything ;)

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