they have a plate of b̸l̴i̶n̴ and s̷m̷e̸t̷a̸n̶a̸. Still, they are welcoming you to share the dinner with them

mutual request from

4 9


0 0

L̶o̸v̶e̸ ̵m̶e̷ ̵L̶o̶v̵e̵ ̵m̴e̷ ̵L̵o̸v̴e̵ ̸m̴e̵

84 412

“Wait...You're n̶o̸t̸ my m̴o̵t̸h̸e̴r̴”

236 1508

N̷a̴t̷u̴r̴a̴l̴ H̵a̷r̶m̵o̷n̴i̵a̷ G̵r̸o̵p̶i̸u̸s̸

6 20

I̸s̸n̵’̶t̵ ̶i̵t̸ ̶p̶a̴s̷t I̸̠̺̘̮̰͇̋͋̔̌s̸̡͓̠͑̊̽ṋ̵̀̊’̵̮̦̰̺̌̊̐̚t̸͇̳͙̗̫͎͉͂̂̀͐̈́ ̷̫̹̑̆̽̕i̶̯͓̙͒͜ṯ̵̱͕̈͑̈̏̕ ̶͈̟͓͍̣̻̒̎̌̈͝͠t̵͙͆ì̵̢̦̰̰̀̆m̶̡̤̟̒͋̃͒͝ͅȩ̸͈̻̖͙̗̑̚
̴Y̶o̷u̷r̴ ̴b̵e̵d̵t̴i̵m̴e̶?̵ y̴̹͐̍o̷̤͈̾u̸̢͐͊ ̷̦̅d̷̟͓̈́̎i̷̢͈̾͂e̸̝͈͒d̸̫̚?̴̭̆

226 806

N͝in͞om̡i̸ya S̡hi͡na ̵i͝s͘ no͘w her̛e̡!
̷H̨ope̡ ̧y͞o͟u͢ ̷g̛uýś lik̢e i͠t!̶ ͢:́D͠

97 287

ujizane, is that you?

huh̷...͝ h́ave̵ ̕I͠ he̵aŗd͝ ̴t̵hat name b̵efore̸ ͜?͢

9 12

It's H̷ ̵O̷ ̸T̴ ̷B̴ ̷E̶ ̴A̴ ̷N̶ ̴S̸ ̵A̷ ̵U̶ ̸C̶ ̶E̵ TIME☕️ CLICK THE LINK.

10 9

I̸t̴'̸s̶ ̵j̷u̴s̸t̷ ̶a̵s̵ ̶e̶a̴s̸y̸ ̸a̸s̶ ̵c̵u̶t̵t̸i̸n̷g̷ ̵b̷r̷e̷a̶d̴~̸
(Had a little headcanon where Anti is a parasite that feeds and toys with people's negatives)
*Not my best work. Been off this week

8 16

R̸e̴t̷w̶e̴e̴t̸ ̸t̷h̵i̷s̷ ̵o̴r̴ ̵e̵l̶s̵e̶,̸ ̷p̵o̸y̸o̵

0 2

o̴p̶p̸o̴r̷t̴u̷n̵i̵t̷y̴ ̶/̶/̷ ̷n̸o̸ ̷c̶h̷a̶n̴c̶e̵ ̴t̴o̶ ̶t̶r̶y̷ ̴/̵/̴ ̶r̷e̸f̵l̸e̷c̶t̵i̵o̶n̵ ̷/̸/̸ ̶g̸i̸v̵i̵n̶g̷ ̷u̷p̵

4 17

I̷n̴n̷e̶r̶ ̸T̴e̷r̶m̸o̶i̵l̵

28 167

.exe has stopped working, p̸l̷e̷a̸s̵e̸ a̷͙̋t̷̞͊t̵̘̿ḛ̴͌m̶̥̔p̴̡̈́t̶̠͝ r̴͙͖̳̒͊͝ĕ̸̛͎̺͝b̸̠͉̻̒ờ̴̙̣͕̎o̶̞̺̿͝t̸̹̒̉

3 13

C̶C̵y̶b̶e̴r̴ ̸W̸i̶t̵c̶h̶ ̶ ̴ ̴ ̶ g̶-̵g̸a̸m̶e̵ ̵S̵T̶A̴R̵T̶ ̴
̷in̴i̴t̵i̶a̸t̷e̷ ̷ CURSE-H̸A̸C̵K̷
̴1̷0̷0̸%̴ ̸ S̴P̷E̶L̵L̶ C̸O̸M̶P̵L̶E̵T̷E̵.̸
W̵̙̌͗I̵̺͑T̸̻͕̱̋̀̿̑C̶̼̣̓͂H̸̷̠̮̝̚ F̶U̵T̵A̵B̷A̷ ̷ H̶A̵S̴ ̵S̴T̸O̵L̶E̸N̸ ̴ Y̶O̷U̵R̵ ̵H̸E̶A̴R̶T̸.̸

10 37