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Aaaannd the digital edition is even worse....drew the old ones in the Deviantart Muro(does that still exist???)

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the oldest piece of digital art i have access to (2012) made on colors3d on the 3ds and a more recent piece 6 days ago

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2009 vs 2019,
So 2009 was the year i started drawing anime! (which eventually evolved into my own style) and I was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts. this was my (selfinsert lmao) KHsona named Iris. I drew her and Sora kissin a lot ;P

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Did a portrait of Jester as it might serve as a cool reminder of how much I've improved from earlier this year because I wasn't actually doing art back in 09'-17'

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Hier ist mein 10-Jahresvergleich. :)

Ich glaub neben dem Stilwandel und der Verwendung von Aquarell hat sich am meisten gewandelt, dass ich 2009 nur nach Lust und Laune gemalt hab und noch gar nicht an ein mögliches Publikum dachte.

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oh what the heck, this is so embarrassing 🙈🙉🙊

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Well! 🥰
One of my first paintings VS one of my last paintings! 💖
If you want to drop your improvements below, it would be a pleasure to see your evolutions!

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I mean.. my technique has improved.. but somethings never change... Dancing cat girls? Yes Please!

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2009 fue un año muy importante para mí. En él volví a dibujar de forma regular después de 5 años sin tocar un lápiz. Mi mayor miedo entonces era la sensación de que, aunque había recuperado las ganas de dibujar, no iba a ser capaz de compensar el tiempo perdido.

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I fished out my flashdrive to find my treasure trove of art I did with a mouse in MS Paint, I'm glad to announce in 10 years I've improved drawing girls and wind

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...they've been thru a rough decade

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Look at that improvement thank God, I thought I was good back then

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My ✨ as you can see, not much has changed, but apparently other people think I have improved so yay! Slowly, maybe, due to ongoing health issues, but still improving!! 2009 was a hard year for me, so I find it funny that 2019 has been hard, too. 😅

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