As I try to revive this account, here's Lady Adeleide. She's my persona during 1800s living in Paris. An aristocrat, a triple-life woman and obviously a ginger. 😆

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jerker, an ancient being, a sort of monster or spirit of death. he was trapped by a witch a looong time ago and was bound to her and her descendants. kylnore is the last member of the family, she has great powers and is quite arrogant and very obviously an aristocrat. 💀

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Idea original de @.tearistocratico
Rich comiendo un sandwich mientras hay caos 👍

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I am Letania, a vampire aristocrat who cooks, studies Japanese and plays games! I like platformers and action RPGs a lot! Thank you for the thread ^^

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Rosalba Carriera–born 1673–began by painting miniatures for snuff-box lids. At its zenith, her work informed the new aristocratic tastes of the French court & the tastes of Parisians. Her freedom, colourfulness &charms embodied the Rococo style which soon dominated the arts.

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Did u know the meme "what the fuck I am reading" or "hard to read" the one with the aristocratic man reading the newspaper? Idk why xd but I like it a lot that meme, so I made my own! haha

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C’était en 1954.
Il vivait à Antibes.
Ses peintures étaient devenues figuratives.
Plus légères et fluides, au pinceau.
Issu de l’aristocratie russe, réalisa 300 œuvres cette année-là.
Il se défenestra de son atelier. Il avait 40 ans.
Le génie et la tragédie.

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Earth bending aristocrat apparently

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Search for the second son of the Libosh clan. From berserker to aristocrat.

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Savez-vous pourquoi cette oeuvre de Boucher appartient au de Stockholm ? Elle faisait partie de la collection du Comte de Tessin, aristocrate suédois mort le 7 janvier 1770, qui, ruiné, dût la céder à la Couronne.

📷 Léda et le cygne, 1742

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hewwo again, guys!!! i'm a little late to congratulate you with the new year, but i can show you my first fullart job in this year O-o


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just a lesbian pirate and her femme aristocrat gf :)

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A Slagspewer. They eat rocks and their waste is gems -- making them popular pets among dwarven aristocrats.

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Mr Wool, a high aristocrat Owl, but behind the scene, he rules over an association of murderous and mindless hitmen : The Spiral.
Here, he is known as Mr Wound

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6. The Rebel
7. The Aristocrat
8. The Eccentric
9. The Botanist

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superior trve kvlt apoliteic neofolk aristocrat of the sovl

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